
Monday, July 25, 2011


The SDCC '11 - a journey to another world! - Last Saturday I went to the San Diego Comic Con. After all, the stuff I read about it in the internet, I had some great expectations. But what happened when I arrived blew me away.

I don't know, if all what happened is referable to the guys that never saw a women like me in real life or the costume I chosen. From my opinion I think maybe both.

My character is actually a little bit out dated, but in the scene still a classic - Jessica Rabbit the super hot sex bomb from the movie "Who framed Roger Rabbit" ( 1988 ), got an unique physique. Like me :-) It took only 3 min.,  after the first person asked me if he can take a picture of me. At this time I just stumbled out of the car and hadn't done my final preparation.

It took me about one hour, to arrive at the main entrance, because every single step someone ask me to take a picture with him. Wow I felt like a celebrity ... but of some strange reasons everybody called me "Jessica"! hmmm.

Now if you think that only boys asked me for this you are wrong! Almost the half of all persons were mothers with their children. One of them even ask me to hold her baby ( so cute ) to take a picture. It was a super fun day, but very very very exhausting.

See today PART I on my website.